PRESS RELEASE: July 9, 2009
Project Healing Waters making a difference at the V.A.
Fly tying classes and fly casting instructions aid veterans’ recovery.
Milwaukee, WI - The Project Healing Waters Program has been showing positive results this summer. Al Dalphonso, Glen Winston, and Royce Dam continue to provide excellent tying instructions to participants during the Thursday morning classes. Royce has been kind enough to donate several of his tying books and his series of DVD’s to the V.A. Now participants can check out the material and learn tying skills outside of the scheduled class hours. Due to increased demand, we’ve started another tying class Thursday afternoons. This tying class is lead by Zoan Kulinski and Mike Kuhr.
On Thursday, July 9th, Pat Ehlers of the Fly-Fishers Fly Shop came to the V.A. and led fly casting instructions for both the morning and afternoon classes. The weather rewarded the efforts by providing plenty of sunshine and very little wind. More experienced anglers had the chance to tighten up their casting stroke, while many participants had the opportunity to cast a fly rod for the first time. Project Healing Waters would like to thank Pat for donating his time, knowledge, and equipment. His professionalism was on full display while working with individual participants and adjusting to their abilities.
SEWTU will continue to lead the fly tying instruction classes through the summer. A fishing outing is being planned for the participants in late August. This outing will provide participants an opportunity to put their newly acquired fly fishing skills to the test. SEWTU continues to “serve those who have served” through the implementation of the Project Healing Waters Program in Milwaukee.
Project Healing Waters Milwaukee is dependent on tax-deductible financial donations and the help of numerous volunteers to meet the educational, training, equipment, transportation, and outing needs of the participants. If you would like to contribute financially to this Project, please send a check made payable to “SEWTU” to “5590 S. 45th Street, Greenfield, WI 53220”. Please write “Project Healing Waters” on the description line. If you are interested in volunteering at the V.A. Hospital, please contact Mike Kuhr. Thank You.